Statement by Türkiye at the High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

Feridun H. Sinirlioğlu 24.04.2019
Mr. President,
The multilateral system is experiencing its perhaps gravest crisis since its emergence after the Second World War.
For some, a rules-based system based on multilateralism is no more the best guarantor of international security and prosperity.
Consensus-building and compromise are viewed not as virtues of strength, but as signs of weakness. Long standing legal norms have been eroded. The threat of force is used all too frequently.
As a result, people are losing faith in international institutions, including the UN. They are viewed as ineffective and weak.
Mr. President,
We have to protect multilateralism. We have to defend international rules, norms, agreements and institutions.
Without multilateralism and respect for rules based system, there is a risk of returning to relations solely based on power.
We have to emphasize that multilateralism is not a threat to sovereignty. On the contrary, it is the only way to safeguard national interests in an interdependent world. No country is able on its own to effectively counter transnational threats such as terrorism, drug trafficking or irregular migration.
Multilateral system has produced many success stories over the past seven decades. It developed institutions and adopted rules.
These institutions and rules help us resolve our conflicts peacefully.
They enable us to establish norms and platforms for dealing with global challenges, from climate change to weapons of mass destruction.
Some of the most recent examples of these efforts are Global Compact on Migration and Global Compact Refugees.
Mr. President,
We are all aware that multilateral institutions and rules are imperfect. We need to reform, reenergize and strengthen them.
The UN will continue to be at the core of these efforts. It will serve as the main platform to discuss our next steps. It will be our main instrument to successfully partner with regional organizations, civil society and private sector.
The UN will also be the object of our efforts. We will strengthen multilateralism by reforming the UN itself.
We support the reform agenda of the UN Secretary General, as it strives to make the UN more effective and relevant. We must also reform the Security Council into a more transparent, democratic, representative and accountable body.
True multilateralism requires that all member states – regardless of their size or power, have an equal opportunity to voice their concerns and expectations.
This is why, as the most democratic and representative body of the UN, the General Assembly is the most important venue to advance the common goal of sustained peace and prosperity.
To strengthen multilateralism, we need a stronger General Assembly and we support the intergovernmental process for its revitalization.
Mr. President,
Multilateralism is all about people and countries coming together, respecting one another, and establishing the norms of cooperation that guarantee peace and prosperity.
In our interconnected world, we are all vulnerable if some are insecure. Therefore, multilateralism and international cooperation are imperative.
There is now an increasing endorsement of multilateralism by many world leaders. We must build on this momentum.
Today, the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace is an important opportunity to reaffirm our faith in the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter.
We should all work together to commemorate and promote this International Day.
Thank you.