Statement by H.E. Mr. Feridun H. Sinirlioğlu Permanent Representative of Türkiye at the Security Council Meeting on “the Situation in the Middle East”

Feridun H. Sinirlioğlu 04.10.2021
Mr. President,

At the outset, allow me to congratulate you on Kenya’s assumption of the Presidency of the Security Council for October.

I also thank High Representative Nakamitsu for her briefing.

The non-compliance of the Syrian regime vis-à-vis its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention has been continuing unabated.

We have reviewed the 96th monthly report of the OPCW Director General with great concern.

The identified gaps, inconsistencies, and discrepancies in the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons declaration persist. Therefore, the OPCW still cannot confirm that the declaration is accurate and complete.

The regime consistently fails to respond to the information requests made by the OPCW Technical Secretariat regarding a number of outstanding issues in relation to its declaration.

The recent discovery of an undeclared chemical weapons production facility continues to be a matter of grave concern.
Yet again, the regime fails to declare the chemical warfare agents produced and/or weaponised at this site, in violation of its obligations.

The previous OPCW monthly report revealed that the Assad regime had moved two chlorine cylinders related to the Douma chemical attack without prior notification or approval of the Technical Secretariat.

What is more, the regime refuses to grant visas to those OPCW officials and deliberately hinders the discharge of their mandated activities.

In accordance with the Security Council resolution 2118 (2013), the Syrian regime has the obligation to provide immediate and unfettered access to personnel designated by the OPCW.

Let me be clear. This is not a simple procedural issue, but rather part of a broader pattern of non-compliance by the regime.

It is high time that the Security Council members put their differences aside and enforce the Council’s own resolution - resolution 2118 of 2013.

Mr. President,

Türkiye supports the efforts within OPCW to bring the regime to compliance. We have co-sponsored the Executive Council decision of July 2020, and the decision adopted during the second part of the 25th Conference of State Parties in April.

It is important that these decisions, supported by the overwhelming majority of States Parties, are worth more than the paper they are printed on. This Council, as the body responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, must uphold the authority of Chemical Weapons Convention. This is not a choice. This is a responsibility.

Mr. President,
Türkiye strongly condemns the repeated use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime against its own people.

By now, the regime’s responsibility in at least eight heinous chemical weapons attacks has been established in the reports of investigative bodies mandated by the UN and OPCW.

The regime must be compelled to cooperate with the Declaration Assessment Team, Investigation and Identification Team and the Fact Finding Mission.

In this context, we reiterate our support for the objective, impartial, and professional work of the OPCW Technical Secretariat and its investigative bodies.

Mr. President,

There is an urgent need to ensure the full accountability for Assad regime’s war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The onus is upon all of us to take immediate and decisive steps to end impunity in Syria.

This is the legal, historical and ethical responsibility for us all, but especially for those who are emboldening the regime in its current course.

Thank you.