Statement by Türkiye United Nations General Assembly Plenary Meeting on Agenda Item 60: Use of the Veto

Ceren Hande Özgür 19.07.2023
Mr. President,

Since 2014, the UN cross-border aid mechanism for Syria has played an indispensable role in delivering humanitarian assistance to millions of people in need in a predictable, transparent and effective manner.

Given the record-level humanitarian needs, which have been further exacerbated in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes, it is clear that this mechanism should continue.

Therefore, we regret the use of veto - once again - on this humanitarian issue.

It is also regretful that the Council has failed to reach an agreement so far to extend this crucial mechanism, despite strong calls from the UN and humanitarian partners as well as the ongoing strong support of the great majority of its members to this end.

We take note of the Syrian regime’s notification on granting permission to the use of Bab-al Hawa border gate for the UN convoy crossings for six months. We share the concerns raised by OCHA regarding the conditions attached to this permission and continue our assessment together with the UN and our partners.

Ensuring the safe, sustained and unimpeded delivery of the UN cross border aid to the people in need is essential.

As it stands, the UN cross-border mechanism remains the most transparent, effective, accountable and impartial method of delivering aid across the border.

We reiterate our call on all members of the Council to remain guided solely by humanitarian considerations and to engage in further efforts to find a realistic and practical common ground to renew this mandate.

Mr. President,

According to Article 24 of the UN Charter, the Security Council acts on behalf of all UN member states.

On many occasions, however, the Council failed to carry out its mandate.

As we all know, the veto power is the very reason for the frequent paralysis witnessed in the Security Council.

It becomes all the more disconcerting when the use of veto complicates humanitarian action.

The Security Council's business is to maintain international peace and security; not to prevent desperate people from receiving the humanitarian aid they need.

Therefore, it is important for the Security Council to take into consideration the prevailing sense of the General Assembly and redouble its efforts to forge a common ground accordingly.

Mr. President,

The last convoy of UN humanitarian aid crossed Bab al Hawa ten days ago. Another anxious wait for the Syrian people and international humanitarian partners.

We cannot abandon millions of Syrians in need to their fate.

The cross-border aid deliveries should continue as soon as possible and as long as needed.

We therefore call on all sides to abide by their responsibilities to fulfill this humanitarian and moral imperative.

Thank you.